Before I start rattling off stories, events, and anecdotes from my life, you probably need to know some background details first. I grew up in Oklahoma with divorced, then remarried, parents. I moved to Texas to go to school and a few years later moved in with my girlfriend (story to come in a moment). I currently live with her, her two daughters, our two dogs, and a cat. Out of respect for every one's privacy their names will be as follows:
My Partner - Skittles
Eldest Daughter - Bear
Youngest Daughter - Tweedle
Pets will retain their actual names
I graduate from school in May with two bachelor's degrees (biology and liberal arts). I intend on becoming a police officer, but we'll see how that turns out. None of my family, nor any of hers, know about our relationship. Everyone on this Earth, except for a VERY small handful, and you, thinks that we are roommates. However, I highly suspect that most know, but haven't had any confirmation.
OK, I told you I give you a story. This is a story of betrayal, love triangles, broken hearts, and my life. When I was 16, I was a mess. Wait I still am! Oh, that's another post. Anyway, I met a girl we'll call Liar, whom I quickly became very attached to. She asked me out and then asked me to prom. I answered yes to the first request and no to the second. At 16 I wasn't ready to show the world, nor myself, my true feelings. Exactly one month later, she broke our relationship off. In a bad game of truth-or-dare I discovered the reason: she was already dating someone. She was dating our mutual friend, her former student teacher. The kicker to this blow is that the other person knew that Liar was going out with me and even encouraged it. You see, this person had her own motives in all of this. She was married and wanted Liar to move on with her life. The problem was that when Liar tried to do just that she got all jealous and discouraged it. The result was me with a broken heart and crushed soul.
As warped as I was, I stuck around and remained friends with them both. When they moved to Texas (Liar lived with her and her husband, and he knew about them) I was lost. I know, right? This just keeps getting better. Just wait, there's more... I finished out high school and some community college then moved to Texas myself. In the interim of this time period, I had a falling out with Liar and she had a falling out with the other person. Liar disappeared from both our lives and in a twisted set of circumstances the other person and I became good friends. Eventually, we became more than friends. In case you haven't figured it out yet, the other person that Liar was dating was Skittles, my current partner.
Skittles and I have been together since April 2002. Skittles and her husband got divorced in March 2008. He, who shall be dubbed Jerkwad, never knew about our relationship. He knows about it now, but has made threats about vying for custody of the children if we ever tell them. Thus, the reason that they don't know. Personally, I think she's just scared of admitting to the world who she really is.
So, in summary, for those of you who are completely confused: I dated Liar. Liar dated Skittles and me at the same time. Liar broke up with me and broke my heart. I remained friends with Liar and Skittles. Liar showed her true colors and bolted. Skittles and I hooked up and are still together. It's poetic justice, but that's just my opinion.
As a side note: I plan to have a child via co-parenting in about two years. Skittles has a "deadline", if you will to decide to tell people. I refuse to lie to my child about who I am. It's not an ultimatum, it's just a deal breaker. Be open when I have a child, or I'm gone.
That's a brief, okay, not so brief, history of my life. At least, those are the pertinent details that you need to know about me for any of my posts to make sense. More details will come in other posts when they are relevant.
4 years ago
Im somewhat anon too, no family reads this because i vent. hopefully if i vent it won't be offensive to you cause its not always pretty, sometimes harsh. s be prepared sometimes to read things you won't ike, but please dn't repeat to people im ventng about, even if it offends. every body has to vent
so I finally get a grasp of what went down between you and Liar and how Skittles was involved. I checked "riveting" :)