About Me

- The Dreamer
- Texas, United States
- I am an obsessive-compulsive college student trying to balance school, family, and life. Most days I do pretty well, but when I don't, it's a world-stopping show of emotions. I live with my recently divorced partner and her two kids, who don't know about our relationship. In general, my life is a mess and most days I don't know up from down, but I'm doing my best to orient myself in the right direction.
The People
Skittles: My partner with whom I live.
Bear: The eldest daughter of Skittles. She is 13.
Tweedle: The youngest daughter of Skittles. She is 8.
Jerkwad: The ex-husband of Skittles.
The Saint: Jerkwad's live-in girlfriend.
Liar: A mistake from my past.
More will be added as need be. If you have questions as to how people gained thier names, just ask.
Bear: The eldest daughter of Skittles. She is 13.
Tweedle: The youngest daughter of Skittles. She is 8.
Jerkwad: The ex-husband of Skittles.
The Saint: Jerkwad's live-in girlfriend.
Liar: A mistake from my past.
More will be added as need be. If you have questions as to how people gained thier names, just ask.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Parents (Not) Acting Like Parents
Why is it that when Jerkwad (Skittles's ex-husband) takes the girls out for the evening that he can't get them home at a respectable time? Why is it hard to understand that getting a child, especially one with ADD, in bed 2 hours late will SEVERELY impede their performance at school the next day?
Let me digress. Bear and Tweedle recently had a cousin born whom is very sick and in the hospital. He (Baby Cousin) was in PICU for a couple of weeks and very, very sick. A few nights ago, he was moved to the normal floor where he can now have visitors. So, Jerkwad decides to take the girls to go see their cousin for the first time. Now, understand, that tonight Tweedle had a soccer game that wasn't over until 7:15. Also understand that Tweedle's bed time is 8:00 and she takes a shower and eats a calorie packed snack before she goes to bed. Additionally, this task is painstaking since, by this point, her medicine has worn off. Disregarding all of this Jerkwad whisks them off to the hospital and comments that they will only stay for a few minutes and then come home.
Yeah. Right. 10:00. He returned them at 10:00! 2 HOURS PAST TWEEDLES BED TIME! So, tonight I had to deal with a whiny, overly-tired 8 year old who is whiny and tired by no fault of her own. Needless to say, she took a shower (only because she had a game tonight) and went to bed. No snack, no vitamin, no teeth brushing, no hair brushing. It won't surprise me if she gets a note at school tomorrow. How can one be so self-centered to not realize that their actions affect their children?
Side note: Jerkwad could have taken them tomorrow, when there is no game, but he had plans. It makes me wonder less about what time they get in bed when they are at his house. I know now that it's not on time.
One more thing. Did Skittles say anything to Jerkwad? Nope not one thing. Not a snide comment or anything. Arrgh. What was one of my posts titled? Oh, right. Grow a spine.
Let me digress. Bear and Tweedle recently had a cousin born whom is very sick and in the hospital. He (Baby Cousin) was in PICU for a couple of weeks and very, very sick. A few nights ago, he was moved to the normal floor where he can now have visitors. So, Jerkwad decides to take the girls to go see their cousin for the first time. Now, understand, that tonight Tweedle had a soccer game that wasn't over until 7:15. Also understand that Tweedle's bed time is 8:00 and she takes a shower and eats a calorie packed snack before she goes to bed. Additionally, this task is painstaking since, by this point, her medicine has worn off. Disregarding all of this Jerkwad whisks them off to the hospital and comments that they will only stay for a few minutes and then come home.
Yeah. Right. 10:00. He returned them at 10:00! 2 HOURS PAST TWEEDLES BED TIME! So, tonight I had to deal with a whiny, overly-tired 8 year old who is whiny and tired by no fault of her own. Needless to say, she took a shower (only because she had a game tonight) and went to bed. No snack, no vitamin, no teeth brushing, no hair brushing. It won't surprise me if she gets a note at school tomorrow. How can one be so self-centered to not realize that their actions affect their children?
Side note: Jerkwad could have taken them tomorrow, when there is no game, but he had plans. It makes me wonder less about what time they get in bed when they are at his house. I know now that it's not on time.
One more thing. Did Skittles say anything to Jerkwad? Nope not one thing. Not a snide comment or anything. Arrgh. What was one of my posts titled? Oh, right. Grow a spine.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Splish Splash I Was Takin A Bath
Well, OK, I wasn't taking a bath, but Tweedle was. Understand that getting her to get in and out of the shower in less than 45 minutes is a miracle. Needless to say, I cringe and the clock rolling over to 7pm every night. Tonight, she kept me on my toes, though. I go in there to check on her and step in puddles of water.
Me: Umm, Tweedle, why is the floor all wet?
Her: I don't know. I didn't do it.
Me: Whatever, hurry up. (I'm tired tonight and didn't feel like fighting that battle)
20 minutes later I go to check on her again and the floor is remarkably wetter. Additionally, I notice that the shower curtain is WIDE OPEN. Nice.
Me: What are you doing? Why is the shower curtain open?
Her: I don't know. I didn't do it. (Are you noticing a pattern here?)
Me: No, you did do it. What I want to know is what would possess you to take a shower with the curtain open! (I've lost my patience at this point)
Her: I just like it better that way.
Me: Why?
Her: I don't know. It makes it more showery and open and like the rain that isn't inside.
Me: Blank stare
I don't make this stuff up.
Kids. Argh.
Me: Umm, Tweedle, why is the floor all wet?
Her: I don't know. I didn't do it.
Me: Whatever, hurry up. (I'm tired tonight and didn't feel like fighting that battle)
20 minutes later I go to check on her again and the floor is remarkably wetter. Additionally, I notice that the shower curtain is WIDE OPEN. Nice.
Me: What are you doing? Why is the shower curtain open?
Her: I don't know. I didn't do it. (Are you noticing a pattern here?)
Me: No, you did do it. What I want to know is what would possess you to take a shower with the curtain open! (I've lost my patience at this point)
Her: I just like it better that way.
Me: Why?
Her: I don't know. It makes it more showery and open and like the rain that isn't inside.
Me: Blank stare
I don't make this stuff up.
Kids. Argh.
My Mosaic
How It Works:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search (http://www.flickr.com/).
b. Using ONLY the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Mosaic Maker. Change rows to 3 and columns to 3 (http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php).
d. Save the image and post it on your blog.
The Questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What is your favorite color?
4. Favorite drink?
5. Dream vacation?
6. Favorite hobby?
7. What you want to be when you grow up?
8. What do you love most in life?
9. One word to describe you?
The Idiots That Surround Me
OK, if I have a checking account and a credit card through the same back then it should be relatively easy to make a payment to the credit card over the phone. But, no. This would be MUCH to simple. Instead the credit card people are morons who can't seem to get the payment to hit my checking account (AT THE SAME BANK)! Now, I have three, THREE, returned payments along with their accompanying returned check fees billed to my credit card, which STILL has a late payment attached to it.
After fighting with these people for three, THREE, weeks they have finally told me to just give up and pay it online. Well, stupid, I wouldn't have tried to make a payment over the phone at all if the credit card people hadn't called me to tell me my payment was ONE day late. I paid, or tried, to pay this over the phone because they contacted me. After the "conversation" (OK, lashing) that transpired today, they were informed to NEVER call me again since all they can seem to manage is inconveniencing me.
I have NEVER had this many problems with a bank. In fact, I have never had this many problems with THIS bank.
After fighting with these people for three, THREE, weeks they have finally told me to just give up and pay it online. Well, stupid, I wouldn't have tried to make a payment over the phone at all if the credit card people hadn't called me to tell me my payment was ONE day late. I paid, or tried, to pay this over the phone because they contacted me. After the "conversation" (OK, lashing) that transpired today, they were informed to NEVER call me again since all they can seem to manage is inconveniencing me.
I have NEVER had this many problems with a bank. In fact, I have never had this many problems with THIS bank.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Growing a Spine
If a child argues with you and you give in, then they will learn that arguing (or in this case whining) will get them their way. How can one be shocked when said child argues with EVERYTHING that you say. It is a monster that was created; a behavior that was learned. So, how can one get so frustrated with said child that they are arguing. One minute they get their way and the next minute they are being yelled at for arguing. ARRRGH!
When said child asks me for something and I say no, she says "poo" and goes on about her day. When her mother does the same, 20 minutes of arguing, whining, and possible fit throwing ensue (we are talking about an 8 year old here). Her mother just can't understand why said child's responses vary so much. The answer is easy: When I say do it, I mean do it or else and when I say no, I mean no. This does not seem complicated to me.
When said child asks me for something and I say no, she says "poo" and goes on about her day. When her mother does the same, 20 minutes of arguing, whining, and possible fit throwing ensue (we are talking about an 8 year old here). Her mother just can't understand why said child's responses vary so much. The answer is easy: When I say do it, I mean do it or else and when I say no, I mean no. This does not seem complicated to me.
Yelling and Painting
Why is it so hard to not yell at the 13 year old. For Bear's birthday we told her that she could paint her room. Great present, right? Right. We thought so, too. Until, that is, we actually started painting. I helped out for awhile, but had to stop due to deadlines for school. Ever since I left, the yelling about Bear, who is ONLY 13, being careless has yet to cease. So far, I hate painting with a passion.
As a side note, the yelling is something that I am constantly trying to nip in the bud. Skittles yells at both the kids. The kids yell at each other. Skittles and I yell at each other as well. I have really, REALLY tried to not yell unless it is absolutely necessary. That is not to say that I don't lose my temper and yell when I shouldn't, but it seems like no one else in this house seems to care. How do you teach kids not to yell when their mom can't seem to stop yelling at them for EVERYTHING?
As a side note, the yelling is something that I am constantly trying to nip in the bud. Skittles yells at both the kids. The kids yell at each other. Skittles and I yell at each other as well. I have really, REALLY tried to not yell unless it is absolutely necessary. That is not to say that I don't lose my temper and yell when I shouldn't, but it seems like no one else in this house seems to care. How do you teach kids not to yell when their mom can't seem to stop yelling at them for EVERYTHING?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hobbits Alive
Bear has to do a project whereby she has to build a 3D model of a Hobbit from the Lord of the Rings. I had to do these stupid kinds of projects in school and I asked the same question that I'm asking now: What does building a model of something for English class teach you? I would really like to know the answer. I have wondered the purpose of these projects all my life.
I let you know how the Hobbit turns out and post pictures.
I let you know how the Hobbit turns out and post pictures.
Friday, March 27, 2009
In Case You Want to Know
Before I start rattling off stories, events, and anecdotes from my life, you probably need to know some background details first. I grew up in Oklahoma with divorced, then remarried, parents. I moved to Texas to go to school and a few years later moved in with my girlfriend (story to come in a moment). I currently live with her, her two daughters, our two dogs, and a cat. Out of respect for every one's privacy their names will be as follows:
My Partner - Skittles
Eldest Daughter - Bear
Youngest Daughter - Tweedle
Pets will retain their actual names
I graduate from school in May with two bachelor's degrees (biology and liberal arts). I intend on becoming a police officer, but we'll see how that turns out. None of my family, nor any of hers, know about our relationship. Everyone on this Earth, except for a VERY small handful, and you, thinks that we are roommates. However, I highly suspect that most know, but haven't had any confirmation.
OK, I told you I give you a story. This is a story of betrayal, love triangles, broken hearts, and my life. When I was 16, I was a mess. Wait I still am! Oh, that's another post. Anyway, I met a girl we'll call Liar, whom I quickly became very attached to. She asked me out and then asked me to prom. I answered yes to the first request and no to the second. At 16 I wasn't ready to show the world, nor myself, my true feelings. Exactly one month later, she broke our relationship off. In a bad game of truth-or-dare I discovered the reason: she was already dating someone. She was dating our mutual friend, her former student teacher. The kicker to this blow is that the other person knew that Liar was going out with me and even encouraged it. You see, this person had her own motives in all of this. She was married and wanted Liar to move on with her life. The problem was that when Liar tried to do just that she got all jealous and discouraged it. The result was me with a broken heart and crushed soul.
As warped as I was, I stuck around and remained friends with them both. When they moved to Texas (Liar lived with her and her husband, and he knew about them) I was lost. I know, right? This just keeps getting better. Just wait, there's more... I finished out high school and some community college then moved to Texas myself. In the interim of this time period, I had a falling out with Liar and she had a falling out with the other person. Liar disappeared from both our lives and in a twisted set of circumstances the other person and I became good friends. Eventually, we became more than friends. In case you haven't figured it out yet, the other person that Liar was dating was Skittles, my current partner.
Skittles and I have been together since April 2002. Skittles and her husband got divorced in March 2008. He, who shall be dubbed Jerkwad, never knew about our relationship. He knows about it now, but has made threats about vying for custody of the children if we ever tell them. Thus, the reason that they don't know. Personally, I think she's just scared of admitting to the world who she really is.
So, in summary, for those of you who are completely confused: I dated Liar. Liar dated Skittles and me at the same time. Liar broke up with me and broke my heart. I remained friends with Liar and Skittles. Liar showed her true colors and bolted. Skittles and I hooked up and are still together. It's poetic justice, but that's just my opinion.
As a side note: I plan to have a child via co-parenting in about two years. Skittles has a "deadline", if you will to decide to tell people. I refuse to lie to my child about who I am. It's not an ultimatum, it's just a deal breaker. Be open when I have a child, or I'm gone.
That's a brief, okay, not so brief, history of my life. At least, those are the pertinent details that you need to know about me for any of my posts to make sense. More details will come in other posts when they are relevant.
My Partner - Skittles
Eldest Daughter - Bear
Youngest Daughter - Tweedle
Pets will retain their actual names
I graduate from school in May with two bachelor's degrees (biology and liberal arts). I intend on becoming a police officer, but we'll see how that turns out. None of my family, nor any of hers, know about our relationship. Everyone on this Earth, except for a VERY small handful, and you, thinks that we are roommates. However, I highly suspect that most know, but haven't had any confirmation.
OK, I told you I give you a story. This is a story of betrayal, love triangles, broken hearts, and my life. When I was 16, I was a mess. Wait I still am! Oh, that's another post. Anyway, I met a girl we'll call Liar, whom I quickly became very attached to. She asked me out and then asked me to prom. I answered yes to the first request and no to the second. At 16 I wasn't ready to show the world, nor myself, my true feelings. Exactly one month later, she broke our relationship off. In a bad game of truth-or-dare I discovered the reason: she was already dating someone. She was dating our mutual friend, her former student teacher. The kicker to this blow is that the other person knew that Liar was going out with me and even encouraged it. You see, this person had her own motives in all of this. She was married and wanted Liar to move on with her life. The problem was that when Liar tried to do just that she got all jealous and discouraged it. The result was me with a broken heart and crushed soul.
As warped as I was, I stuck around and remained friends with them both. When they moved to Texas (Liar lived with her and her husband, and he knew about them) I was lost. I know, right? This just keeps getting better. Just wait, there's more... I finished out high school and some community college then moved to Texas myself. In the interim of this time period, I had a falling out with Liar and she had a falling out with the other person. Liar disappeared from both our lives and in a twisted set of circumstances the other person and I became good friends. Eventually, we became more than friends. In case you haven't figured it out yet, the other person that Liar was dating was Skittles, my current partner.
Skittles and I have been together since April 2002. Skittles and her husband got divorced in March 2008. He, who shall be dubbed Jerkwad, never knew about our relationship. He knows about it now, but has made threats about vying for custody of the children if we ever tell them. Thus, the reason that they don't know. Personally, I think she's just scared of admitting to the world who she really is.
So, in summary, for those of you who are completely confused: I dated Liar. Liar dated Skittles and me at the same time. Liar broke up with me and broke my heart. I remained friends with Liar and Skittles. Liar showed her true colors and bolted. Skittles and I hooked up and are still together. It's poetic justice, but that's just my opinion.
As a side note: I plan to have a child via co-parenting in about two years. Skittles has a "deadline", if you will to decide to tell people. I refuse to lie to my child about who I am. It's not an ultimatum, it's just a deal breaker. Be open when I have a child, or I'm gone.
That's a brief, okay, not so brief, history of my life. At least, those are the pertinent details that you need to know about me for any of my posts to make sense. More details will come in other posts when they are relevant.
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